Notice of Galway Soccer Co-op AGM 2017
The Board of Galway Soccer Co-op issue the Notice of Galway Soccer Co-op AGM 2017 for all Co-op members to attend:
The Galway Soccer Co-op Annual General Meeting 2017
will be held on Monday 20th February
in The Ryan Room, Connacht Hotel @ 8:00pm
Chairperson’s Report
Secretary’s Report
Treasurer’s Report
Election of 2017 Board
Election of Auditor
Before the meeting some additional items may be added to the draft agenda, and a final agenda will provided on the night. In addition, any items not on the agenda can be covered under Any Other Business (A.O.B)
Under the Rules of the society, one third of the outgoing board is obliged to step-down. The remaining board members can continue to serve on the board. Board members that step-down are eligible for re-election, only if willing. As a result, a number of new Board members will have to be elected on the night.
In addition, current (2016) paid up membership will entitle members to attend and vote at the AGM and to be proposed for election. Furthermore, it will also be possible for new members who join on the night to vote during the meeting.
Finally, Members can also pay their Membership for 2017 on the night, at this link, or at any home game in Eamonn Deacy Park.